Hello again,

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I started this blog back in February 2014 and was very excited about it.  I only made a few posts and then I just stopped (and I can’t remember why).  I have been thinking of starting it up again for a while now, but things have been really busy.  I thought that as one of my new years resolutions it should be to start blogging again.  This year I have made myself a list of goals, but they are more like a list of ways to improve my overall life and happiness.  That’s where is blog comes into play.  I want to document all my happy moments, events, and anything that contributes to my happiness.

Since I was last here a lot has changed about me.  I am living away from home.  I am in my second year of university studying Global Studies with an option in Social Entrepreneurship.  I have very large dreams of helping women and children around the world, creating equality, eradicating poverty and creating peace.  I love traveling and always find myself dreaming of beautiful far off places.  I love music and love when people suggest new artists I’ve never heard of.  I love food and also love to cook, but I’m not much of a baker.  I am also obsessed with fashion, makeup, and anything beauty related.  Most of all my friends and family are my everything and I know I could not survive with out them. 

I am very excited to be back and I love making new friends so please leave comments and I would to chat!